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Diversity and inclusion

Goal 8
Goal 8

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Goal 10
Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Diasorin’s commitment

From discussion and collaboration come innovative solutions and opportunities.
This is the approach Diasorin follows to consider diversity and inclusion issues. The cooperation between heterogeneous working groups produces a wealth of knowledge that contributes to the realization of the company mission: to improve the health and lives of people in the world through diagnostic tests of the highest quality, which are fast and reliable.

Actions taken

The Group is dedicated to the careful management of issues relating to diversity and inclusion in all the Group’s Legal Entities, through the integration and enhancement of diversity.

With this in mind, a cultural integration project is underway between Diasorin and Luminex, which has enabled the Group’s people to enrich and diversify their skills.

Diasorin has implemented anti-harassment and anti-bullying policies that define, for all Group employees, the behaviors to be followed to promote a positive work environment. At the same time, there is also room for the application of specific policies characterized by the different needs of individual geographical areas. Specific training courses on this issue have been implemented in some Group companies.

In North America, Diasorin completes the “Affirmative Action Plan” on an annual basis, in order to analyze the internal diversity of the corporate population and identify areas of strength and points of improvement. In addition, the company works closely with recruiting agencies to promote and enhance diversity, also by facilitating access to the labor market for people with disabilities and former members of the armed forces.

In the UK, initiatives have been organized to promote and enhance Diversity, as well as specific online courses on this topic such as “Equality and Diversity”, which has become an integral part of the soft skills training provided to employees. In the German branch, a specific course dedicated to the theme of Diversity has been included in the Induction plan for all new employees.


GRI 405
GRI 405

Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Number of employees by gender

2020 2021 2022
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
1,141 925 2,066 1,920 1,438 3,358 1,930 1,456 3,386

It should be noted that the 2021 workforce of the Diasorin Group includes the 1,257 employees of the newly acquired Luminex.

Employees by category

  2020 2021 2022
  Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Executives 85 31 116 159 66 225 160 59 219
White-collar workers 834 746 1,580 1,324 1,183 2,507 1,347 1,203 2,550
Blue-collar workers 222 148 370 437 189 626 423 194 617

Employees by age group

  2020 2021 2022
  Executives White-collar workers Blue-collar workers Executives White-collar workers Blue-collar workers Executives White-collar workers Blue-collar workers
≤ 29 years 0 140 101 0 266 154 0 257 157
30-50 years 56 1,026 175 117 1,587 313 99 1,607 296
≥ 50 years 60 414 94 108 654 159 120 686 164

Disclosure 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees, part of GRI Standard 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunities.

Employees by contract type

  2020 2021 2022
  Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Permanent 1,123 914 2,037 1,864 1,375 3,239 1,900 1,422 3,322
Fixed-term 18 11 29 56 63 119 30 34 64
Full-time 1,135 889 2,024 1,914 1,399 3,313 1,920 1,424 3,344
Part-time 6 36 42 6 39 45 10 32 42

Employees by highest educational qualification

  2020 2021 2022
  Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Graduates 782 650 1,432 836 698 1,534 1,293 1,056 2,349
Biology 169 213 382 186 252 438 294 360 654
Chemistry 60 48 108 59 47 106 96 79 175
Biochemistry 59 71 130 59 63 122 87 87 174
Economics subjects 66 36 102 56 41 97 58 42 100
Engineering 197 57 254 203 68 271 331 99 430
Other degrees 231 225 456 273 227 500 427 389 816
Technical diplomas 126 77 203 132 85 217 239 136 375
Generic diplomas 183 171 354 144 126 270 156 112 268
No degree 50 27 77 51 29 80 78 38 116

Related disclosures:

3-3 Management of material topics
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men